We are a 100% volunteer run and  staffed organization and are funded entirely by membership fees and donations. Please join. Please donate.

​​​Welcome to ​​​​The Longstreet Society

Donations to this project most appreciated. ​
CLICK HERE  or  770-539-9005 . ​oldpete@longstreet.org 
or at the historic  ​Piedmont Hotel 
​827 Maple Street . Gainesville GA

The Longstreet Landscape

The Longstreet 1876 Heritage Landscape features General James Longstreet’s quest to promote peace and brotherhood in the United States after the Civil War. At the Piedmont Hotel, guests gathered from north and south to walk the paths through the four-acre, oak & hickory forest or relax in the gardens that overlooked the mountains.

​To revive the spirit of peace and tranquility from the heyday of the Piedmont Hotel, the Longstreet Society has developed the area surrounding the extant building with gardens of heritage plants.

All donations to maintain these gardens are most appreciated. ​
 770-539-9005 . ​oldpete@longstreet.org 
P.O.Box 191 Gainesville GA 30503

​Or visit us at the historic Piedmont Hotel
827 Maple Street . Gainesville GA . 30501